Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
Despoina (Martha Karagianni) gets a job with an advertising company. When her boss hires a street-urchin (Stavros Paravas), Despoina grows to like him, and the two end up falling in love and getting m...
The three members of Humanitarian Movement of Greece (Kostas Voutsas, Nikos Dadinopoulos and Sotiris Tzevelekos), despite being arrested for illegally putting up posters, continue to struggle for thei...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) returns to Greece from Germany, smuggled in a refrigerator truck. This adventure sees him arrive in Athens not only frozen, but as the new advertising slogan of the refrige...
A seamstress named Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou), unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player named Julio Balmas (Nikos Galanos) is staying, g...